Sometimes We Need Some Advice


I’ve been in and around the world of running for just about as long as I can remember and in that time I come across a dearth of information. Some of it has been helpful, some if not so much, some of it has been totally wrong, and some of it has been game changing. I realize that the same is probably happening to you and at a much faster rate given the way the internet and social media work. So my goal here is to help you sort through it and hopefully save you from wasting your time on the stuff that isn’t going to help you reach your goals.

I hope you enjoy what is shared here and I hope it helps. I am, by no means, the expert who knows it all but after 25 years of living a life of nothing but running, fitness, training, and everything else that falls in those buckets I think I have learned a thing or two about a thing or two.

I also want to hear about your thoughts, ideas, questions, and experiences with anything that is shared. Maybe I will learn a new thing or two :-)


What in the Goo?